Customer Support | Account Status | Legal Agreement
The above is what your customers will see on your page.
This setup is web-proven by KeyZ webmasters to
pull more signups than listing several entry
options on a page. The reason is,
it's so clean and a lot less confusing.
Just copy and paste the HTML CODE onto your entry or
index webpage!
Be sure to change the word
landslide to your KeyZ username.
But only after you SIGN UP your site!
<center> <p> <a href=""><font size="+1" color="66ff33">ENTER</A> | </font> <a href=""><font size="+1" color="66ff33">SIGNUP</A> | </font> <a href=""><font size="+1" color="66ff33">QUESTIONS</a></font> <p> <a href=""><font size=-1 color=f36100>Customer Support</a></font> | <a href=""><font size=-1 color=f36100>Account Status</a></font> | <a href=""><font size=-1 color=f36100>Legal Agreement</a></font> </center> <p> |
How to
market your site!